Friday, August 19, 2005

It's been a sleep deprivation week. Sunday, Monday Tuesday brain was in writing mode - so the ole sleep thing was a bit of a joke. Wednesday Council meeting then Mum and Dad coming to stay after seeing a concert in town. Their battery went dead - so instead of getting in around 10pm the didn't get in until midnight.

I haven't been able to make up the sleep at the other end either. There's been gardeners in working on Tom's garden. Given that the bedroom I'm sleeping in faces onto the backgarden with a large glass wall this means that I have to be very sprightly in the mornings in order to avoid having a team of young men working on the back shrubbery while I shower and dress. How can people start work at 7am? I checked - they finish today - tomorrow I can sleep in.

Last night climbed, ate dinner went home and tried to edit the short story I'm working on. Realised that sitting at the table with one's nose on the story and eyes closed was probably more like sleep than editting and went to bed.

This morning no Weet Bix. They got finished yesterday when Mum and Dad were in for breakfast. I hate not having my Weet Bix. Really hate it. Sometimes I eat Muesili - but I always come back to Weet Bix. Always - except this morning. Grrrrrr. I went to the supermarket last night - why didn't I think of buying Weet Bix? Why? The entire day is likely to be surrounded by dark clouds as a result of this anomoly.

Hmmmm chocolate might fix it. Must go visit the machine. Not the same as Weet Bix - but could get me through.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Check out and vote in the 2004 Antisf Awards!

Am feeling rather tired. The weekend of writing was great - but got the mental juices going - which means sleep has been had to come by the last few nights. I turn out the light and ideas pop in out of nowhere. Next thing I know the light is back on and I'm scribbling ideas on the back of an envelope!

Laid 1,000 new words down last night on a new(ish) short story. Being a little stumped in the novel effort I've taken Terry D's advice and am writing a couple of short stories based around the same world, using the same characters (or perifery characters). It's actually a really good idea - I'm not feeling guilty about not working on the novel - and I think the story I'm working on will stand comfortably on its own.

Am feverishly keen to get home and bury myself in it again. It's going onto the page quicker than some do.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I've just jumped on the web and discovered that I've won 2nd prize in the KSP Writers Center Science Fiction & Fantasy Competition for my story 'Here be Monsters'. Very excited! Actually came second in this very same competition last year.

I've pasted the judges comments here:

2nd place in this year’s competition is awarded to “Here Be Monsters” by Susan Wardle. This is a story with strong, believable characters, a valid plot, and traumatic events. Quiet horror suffused every level of this tale. The ending wound up rather suddenly, but overall, Wardle managed to convey a realistic and dark story to its logical conclusion. Like the winner, an automatic choice for both judges.

Yipee me!