Thursday, January 11, 2007

As a former Clarion South student I can't help but be fascinated by the process that 17 raw recruits are currently undergoing in Queensland.

To this ends I have been checking up on Lyn Battersby's blog and having a grand old reminisce (1 glass of wine up - so spelling is shot to pieces).

In my own humble attempt to recreate the magic (and at the request of a fellow Thorbyite) I've been in touch with Gavin Grant and Kelly Link of Small Beer Press. Kelly is a fine writer and Clarion tutor this year to boot. So we've enticed them to run a Clarion style workshop here in Sydney for some of us local types. What's exciting is two of the CS05ers have indicated a desire to come from interstate. Very exciting indeed. It will be much the reunion.

In other news I'm languishing. A bit like a vampire I'm struggling by day and living by night. Full of new year's resolutions, I've started writing a bit this week. The result is that I get home from work, unwind, eat dinner, write, stay awake half the night with ideas buzzing around my head.

Fabulous on the creativity (I wrote a children's short story last night in the odd hours loosely titled 'The Cricket Princess' in this case we are talking Aussie world beating cricket type sport - not funny bug.)

Anyhoo - dinner is simmering - man will soon be at the door - red wine beckons.

My Clarion South pirate cannibal shipwreck story has found a home!

'Here be Monsters' will be appearing in Macabre: The New Era of Australian Horror produced by Brimstone Press.