Thursday, October 20, 2005

Did I mention I went to the dentist earlier this week?

No I didn't. That in itself is somewhat amazing. I don't like going to the dentist. I dislike having fingers rammed down my throat, someone scraping at my pearly snappers and digging into my tender gums with gay abandon. Oh and the bill... I don't like the paying bit either.

In fact, somewhat like a school child I linger at the front door on dentist visit days saying things like 'I hate dentists' and 'My teeth feel fine... really'. I drag my feet all the way to the car and have to be prised out of the seat and through the dental surgery door..... which is an interesting inner conflict seeing as how I live alone and these days drive myself.

Why didn't I mention that I'd been to the dentist? Well it really wasn't that bad.

Sure the receptionist tried to make polite conversation with me... and the owner of the practice looked momentarily like he was going to try for a sunny greeting ( my death mask stare stopped that line of thought). But, on the whole, not worth mentioning. At all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In politics:

From today's Sydney Morning Herald, "Disgraced MP Andrew Fraser has denied being drunk after being suspended from the NSW Parliament for eight days for assaulting Roads Minister Joe Tripodi"

What the papers don't say is that earlier that evening MP Andrew Fraser attended a networking function in the Parkes Room. I know, I was there. I'm not denying being drunk!

In work:

I like steam trains. I get paid to organise events. Today I booked a steam train for an event I'm running next year. My job is so cool.
I probably shouldn't have put that tomato in my handbag this morning. I did look at it, a little soft having been sitting in the fruit bowl for a week, and think to myself as I inserted it neatly between my diary and wallet 'This is possibly a bad idea'.

Putting a soft mushy thing in a bag with hard pointy things and a hairbrush.... what could possibly go wrong?