I'm writing, not lots, and only in the smallest of bursts. I'm also playing with about three different projects - so none of what I'm putting on paper is particularly cohesive - too much distracted by the other thoughts buzzing around in my head.
I've put my train story from Clarion in the mail. Fingers crossed. I've got a short story that is sadly lacking in originality (it's also missing a middle section - but having written the beginning and the end I'm not feeling inspired about the middle) that I'm hoping to finish for critique at Thorbies next weekend.
Oh... and the first of my Flexi Days is tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that. I've got an action packed day planned with a run, exhibition, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner! I'll need the rest of the weekend just to recover!
I've put my train story from Clarion in the mail. Fingers crossed. I've got a short story that is sadly lacking in originality (it's also missing a middle section - but having written the beginning and the end I'm not feeling inspired about the middle) that I'm hoping to finish for critique at Thorbies next weekend.
Oh... and the first of my Flexi Days is tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that. I've got an action packed day planned with a run, exhibition, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner! I'll need the rest of the weekend just to recover!