Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Shadowbox e-anthology has landed! This is a PDF or CD Rom based anthology of flash fiction which I, and many of my fellow clarionites, have stories in. Being purely electronically based it will be very interesting to see how it's accepted by the world. I suspect it will do well within the Australian speculative fiction community - but will be very curious to see how people cope without a printed cover and paper pages.

I've skimmed a couple of stories, mostly picking out names of people I know (or whose writing I know). It's a pretty cool little product (available through If you have a faint heart this might be a little confrontatational. It is a dark or horror flash fiction collection, so lots of nasty body parts and death.

I will browse my way through all 70 stories over the next few days (to be honest I'm actually fairly faint-hearted myself and can only read a couple of stories at a time before I get the creeps and have to take a break!)

Oh, and I got some words on paper last night. As usual procrastinating until after 10pm when I had a sudden flurry of industry. A little tired this morning.