Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Eleven sleeps to go!

Starting reading Margo Lanagan's 'Black Juice' the other evening (Margo being one of our Clarion tutors). It's really, really good and I'd highly recommend it. That's if you can get hold of a copy of it. Emma lent me hers after a trip to the local library and a visit to Galaxy Books failed to produce.

I'm starting to prepare for what I'll take away with me. Terence has provided one of the absolute essentials - a Brisbane Street Directory! This dramatically increases my chances of actually finding my way to Nathan Campus of Griffith University on second of January.

Of course what clothes to pack is another tricky one, and how many pairs of shoes to take?

The conveners have found $150 for each of the three apartments to use towards our Week 1 grocery shopping. Being a car owner I volunteered to do a supermarket visit on the Sunday afternoon before induction and sent out an email to my roommates asking them to forward any special dietry requirements. It seems they don't care what they eat - but they're fussy drinkers! Soy Milk, Orange and Mango Juice and Decaf coffee but no food requests. Hmmm guess I better stack the shopping trolley with basic 'c' essentials like chocolate, champagne and caviar!


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