Thursday, January 04, 2007

Christmas came and went. I actually had a nice time. Yup it wasn't too bad. I'd better watch out, maybe I'm mellowing.

And old year went out, new year came in.

Resolutions are for a minimum 1,000 new words a week. Not a large target - but achievable with work and life. It also means any time I write more it's a win!

Oh and the chocolate has to go (but only once I've finished my Christmas stash!)

What did I achieve in 2006?

Novel manuscript - I completed the first draft of a young adult manuscript. I've spoken with Peter Bishop at Varuna and he's made some suggestions for improvements - so I aim to get a rewrite completed over the next few months and then start to think about submitting it.

Short Stories - I had 5 short stories published in 2006; Halflife (Antipodean SF), 'The Crying Chair' (F&R), Last Bulkhead (Shadowed Realms), Iron Shirt (Ticonderoga Online).

As yet I don't have any acceptances lined up for 2007 - so that will be part of my aim - to query a couple of places that are holding stories at the moment and see if I can't rack up a few notches for the publishing bio.

The last few days I've been doing a fair bit of writing. A new short story and the first chapter of a new novel. It's great, since I completed the first draft of my other manuscript back around October I have had a bit of a break from new words. Of course the down side is I'm not sleeping well - brain too active. I'll have to sort that out before Monday and return to work.


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